Black and white adult jack russell terrier

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In 1976, Ailsa Crawford, the first breeder of Jack Russell Terriers in the USA, founded the Jack Russell Terrier Association of America their foremost goal was to uphold their characteristics. These crossbreeds became known as, ‘Puddin Dogs’, ‘Shortie Jacks’, or just ‘Russell Terriers’.ĭuring the 1970s, several breed clubs, like the Jack Russell Club of Great Britain (JRTCGB) and the South East Jack Russell Terrier Club (SEJRTC), promoted the breed. Later, they were kept as companions and family dogs and crossbred with Chihuahuas, Welsh Corgis, and other small terrier breeds. Today’s Russell terriers are mostly the same as the fox terriers of the pre-1900s.Īfter World War II, the need for hunting dogs reduced drastically, which caused the decline of the Jack Russell terrier’s numbers. John Russell maintained his fox terriers’ strains by breeding them strictly for working. However, any dog alive today cannot be traced back to Trump directly, as Russell had to sell his dogs more than once due to financial difficulties. This strain of dogs was soon getting taken on by other hunting enthusiasts.

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This dog was the foundation of a new breeding program for developing new terriers with high stamina. Russell was a hunting enthusiast, and Trump represented his ideal fox terrier.

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In 1819, John “Jack” Russell purchased Trump, a small white terrier with dark tan patches over her ears and eyes.

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